Restaurant Washoku Yohira

Seasonal Nagasaki cuisine in a traditional setting

Shianbashi is Nagasaki's entertainment district and it is filled with restaurants, bars, and clubs. Washoku Yohira is hidden down a narrow cobblestone alley that is off to the side of one of Shianbashi's main streets. Seeming a world away from the surrounding neighborhood, this wonderful restaurant serves traditional Nagasaki cuisine based on seasonal ingredients. Upon passing through its gate, visitors walk through a quiet garden before entering a lovely 140-year-old building. Inside are 17 different rooms, some of which are used for general dining and others are for private use. Some look out onto their own mini gardens.

Although elaborate and delicious, meals are extremely reasonable. The 'Rindou' lunch that I enjoyed cost around ¥2000. Dinner sets start around ¥5000. There is a variety of seating to choose from - regular tables and chairs, floor seating with foot wells below a low table, and traditional tatami seating. Families with children are welcome. However, those with allergies and special food requirements should call in advance (in Japanese) to see if they can be accommodated.

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