Seiya-san Muryōshuji Kita-in is a Buddhist temple located in the city of Kawagoe in Saitama, Japan. It is noted for its main hall, which was part of the original Edo Castle, and the statues of 540 Rakan, disciples of the Buddha. It is also known informally as the Kawagoe Daishi. [Wikipedia]
「小江戸川越 いも膳」は、川越名物「さつまいも」と、店長・女将が日本全国を巡り厳選した食材の織り成す和食で人気の名店。個室は特別席「冬扇」を含め2~50名。庭は桜や蛍など見ることもでき、日本の四季を五感で堪能できる。
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