Inspire Saturday, August 31st, 2019 (著作権: Mindful Michi)

Inspire: Inspiring a World of Change Through Art 2019

Children’s charity fundraiser, mindful living

場所: Slack Shibuya 日付: Saturday - Aug 31st 2019

In the spirit of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this event aims to bring people together to support a variety of projects. The organizers hope to bring to guests’ awareness not only global problems of sustainability, but the efforts of large organizations and local communities to meet the SDGs.

The afternoon program for children has crafts, snacks and drinks in an English-speaking atmosphere.

The evening session for adults is the charity art event where a silent auction and raffle will be held, with a soundtrack provided by a DJ. Get dressed up for this one.

All proceeds of the event will be donated to two charities for underprivileged children in Japan - Mirai no Mori and Kodomo Ouen Network Saitama.

The participating groups hope that your participation will inspire you to be agents of change, and that you can contribute to young people in need in Japan.

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